5 beers for the end of the world

Well, that is certainly unexpected. The End of Days. Apocalipsis. F*ck. No more running up the hills, no more fresh fodder, no more flirting, no more nothing. Wait, wait, wait. There’s still  time, there’s certainly enough to save something before escaping from those friendly zombie horses crawling up the street.

But… what would you save?

You scratch your head full of confusion and excitement (it is a zombie apocalypse after all). And decide. First things first: beer.


  • Leffe: the smoothest. Kind to the taste, energetic and savory. The one you’ll be drinking while running away from some hellish folks.
  • Delirium Tremens: Belgian, fresh, hits smoothly but hits you hard. Once named as the best beer in the world, so, heck, it deserves a spot in the list doesn’t it?


  • Gulden Draak: our personal pick. Strong among the strongest. Like talking about biceps among Viking horses. You know the feeling.


  • Franziskaner: sweetish, tasty, cheerful. The kind of beer you would love to have  in any second you’re having a good time. Damn you monks.


  • Guinness. This is it. The best, the boss, the one. Once I was told that this beer could keep you alive for a week without eating or drinking anything else. That alone is cool enough to make it to the top spot, plus, it is damn delicious. Guinness for the win!


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